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TYPE : Operating system
CATEGORY : Operating System
SECOND CATEGORY : Utility (Software House)
ORIGIN : err err 
NOTES : Toutes les ROMs pour l'Atmos, notamment les claviers nationaux (DE, ES, FR, SE et UK) de Fabrice Francès.
Owners on (original) : kev
WASKOL15:01 24-January-2008
I say : it's a must have !
THESPIDER06:10 01-October-2005
Fantastic game!!! Love how you can use the cursor keys to actually move the cursor around - none of this Z-X,/-' stuff. If you time the keypresses right, you can make a nice little tune as you go. Talking of keys, this game utilises ALL of the keyboard. However, there is a learning curve in learning the keywords to actually make the software do something useful. Having used the previous version of this software (V1.0), I am glad to see that many of the infamous bugs have been fixed. However, do miss the cursor sitting at the far left of the screen awaiting your command! Still using this great work of art software after over 20 years, so the programmers must have done something right. There is even a user group dedicated to it's usage.

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