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ARG Informatique
TYPE : Strategy
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : 1815, from Cobra Soft / ARG (1984), by Alain Savetier.


English disk version below (Shortsed, includes save game to disk option, but doesn't work because there is no !SAVE command in Shortsed!)
English manual (full translation of original) in Stuff below


Special routines - impossible to transfer to TAP file with the usual tools, the program was left as WAV format for Euphoric, so no error detection but seems OK. Use Euphoric's virtual tape player (F1 key in Euphoric).
Nothing on inlay B.
Sold 160 francs.

Dom managed to handle the non-standard routines (mixing fast and slow speed!), and made an unmodified TAP file: [1815.tap]
See his explanations (in French) in his article: [Formats Exotiques _6_.pdf]
[codes 1815.pdf]: colour codes translated into their respective numbers by Dom.

I have added CEO Mag's (issue 162) manual scanning as it seems it holded 2 more pages.
See also Andre Cheramy and Claude Sittler's articles about how to unprotect the program (but not keeping it as close as the original as Dom did), in CEO-Mag 161.
[1815_hacked.tap] is the result of Andre Cheramy and Claude Sittler's work.

Thanks to Patrick H. for the tape.
Thanks to Dominique, Andre C. and Claude S. for unprotecting the game.
Owners on oric.org (original) : FIALKOWSKI , facsun , ohot , philou , musepat31 , Juju
LAURENTD7500:03 14-March-2019
Musique d'intro et écran titre très sympa, malheureusement pour une découverte des wargames à l'époque c'était un peu raide et bien rébarbatif... Symboles des unités peu faciles à comprendre, maniement compliqué, et parties interminables... A réserver aux passionnés hardcore du genre. Quant à moi, j'ai vite abandonné, pour renouer quelques années plus tard avec le genre et l'époque avec "Austerlitz" sur Atari ST, nettement plus ho
SOFT-BUG10:02 07-February-2006
Un wargame de la pure tradition ... Disposer votre armée (chaque symbole pour un type d'unité : cavalerie, Artillerie, fantassins ...) et un tour de jeu dure 7 minutes par joueur ...


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