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Computer & Video Games
EMAP National Publications
Darren Reynolds
TYPE : Text addventure
RELEASE DATE : February 1984
CATEGORY : Adventure
SECOND CATEGORY : Type ins Game (Magazine)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : This was published in Computer & Video Games, vol. 3, no. 5, February 1984, 'Book of games' supplement, pp. 17-20. The program does not work as published because the subroutine at line 200 converts the input to lower case, but all the verbs and nouns in the DATA statements are in upper case. To fix this, convert the DATA statements and all tests for B$ to lower case. You will still have problems if you enter a verb in upper case without a noun, as you are then prompted for more info, but the extra info is not converted to lower case and the subsequent tests for B$ will fail. To fix this, follow each of the input statements for B$ with ":I$=B$:GOSUB200:B$=I$:GOTOxxx", where xxx is the same line number as the test. This will get you by, but there are still many other bugs. A bug-fixed version is included.
Owners on (original) : Lothlin , Lothlin
DARREN REYNOLDS23:05 19-May-2021
This game is without doubt the best that was ever published for the Oric-1.

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