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TYPE : Collection of simple games
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : All the versions I have ever seen are for the Atmos. Does anyone have the Oric 1 version? Proof of it's existence is required!

Proof :

This is the Oric-1 version.
No transfer errors.
No manual ?
The inlay seems to be a copy.

Collection of small (and laughable) games, Oric-1 only. An Atmos version exists.

Owners on (original) : Lothlin , Lothlin , Lothlin , Lothlin , beanweevil , dave3622 , baz67 , musepat31 , Collo , philou , KailoKyra , Edsters , arkright , Beiriannydd

DAVE362218:08 01-August-2012
I've just converted all 50 games from my copy to TAP file and uploaded them to Rapidshare. Here's the link:- 50.rar Check out 'Galactic Attack' and 'Plasma Bolt', they are both good enough to have been standalone commercial games back in 1983. I can only guess (as stated in my previous post) that Cascade must have re-released this improved version alongside the Atmos version.
DAVE362211:05 04-May-2009
Hmm, I have both the Oric-1 and Atmos versions and they are near identical. The Oric-1 version certainly has some machine code games with full colour and sound, and most of the games are the same on both versions. I wonder if an updated Oric-1 version was released after the Atmos version was made ?
SYMOON13:09 08-September-2007
Be careful: the Oric-1 and Atmos versions are totally different. Oric-1 version holds text-only programs, while the Atmos on has Basic/machine code coloured and noisy programs. The Oric version is a real swindle, while the Atmos one is ok !
THESPIDER07:10 02-October-2005
All BASIC text based programs. No wonder they were easily converted onto 13 different computers, including the ZX81!!! Did have a look at the listings, and they are of very poor quality in structure and of documentation. Still, an interesting piece of Oric history.
TWILIGHTE10:10 01-October-2005
I remember buying this collection at WHSmith or somewhere, when i bought it i thought "Wow, 50 programs, at least one would be cool". Well i found that half of them wouldn't load and the other half were really programmed badly. However i did think that their were many good ideas for games in their and that some day i'd rewrite one or two with decent code, graphics and sound. Trouble is that i have achieved much more from ideas elsewhere.
ROB COOK20:05 11-May-2005
A collection of crap.
LOTHLIN22:02 06-February-2003
A collection of 50 programs which were generally of a simple or poor quality. Mostly written in BASIC, with the odd bit of machine code. Some games were ok. Wondering what the next program would be like was quite interesting - but normally you would find out it was not very good!


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