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TYPE : Arcade
RELEASE DATE : April 1983
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : No transfer errors.
No manual.

2 versions exist:

Oric-1 only
One side holds the game recorded once at slow speed [chen-o-s.tap], the other side holds the game recorded once at fast speed [chen-o-f.tap].
I kept both games as there are dirrerences in the code of the first parts (not visible)

The tape also holded a recording made by the owner, which apparently was designed to run with joystick, but I've never been able to play a game with a joystick emulation. [chenille_infernale_o1_joystick_bugged.tap] in stuff section

[chen-a.tap]. Same as Oric-1 only version, except the title screen is changed, and there is no more recodring at slow speed.
Also, the flashing title screen has no more colors on Atmos, and doesn't appear anymore on Oric-1. The code hasn't been checked for other differences.

The inlay and tape label have been modified to add the Atmos name, change the Loriciels address, and remove the slow version.
(Thanks to Mathieu Charreyre for the Oric-1 version).
Owners on (original) : jede , gogo testeur , FIALKOWSKI , sheld67 , philou , KailoKyra , musepat31

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