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SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Manual at the beginning of the game
Galaxion from Loriciels (1983), by ?

No manual.

Version 1:
[galaxioo.tap]: Original Oric-1 only version provided by Jede. No transfer errors.
Allows the use of a joystick (probably PASE interface). The Loriciels loading screen is from an early version.
Side 1 holds the slow recording, side 2 the fast.

Version 2 (no scans so far):
[galaxioa.tap]: Later Oric-1/Atmos version transfered by Jean Boileau. Seems there are a few transfer errors in the loading screen (which is more recent than in version 1). The joystick support seems to have been dropped.

PLEASE NOTE: the program somtimes behaved strangely with Euphoric; if it produces "?SYNTAX ERRORs", simply try and load it again.

Funny: a hidden message: "SI VOUS AVEZ REUSSI A DEPROTEGER LE PRG. S.V.P ECRIVEZ NOUS - ET SANS RANCUNES" ("if you managed to crack the program, please write us - no hard feelings").

Owners on (original) : jede , musepat31 , philou , KailoKyra , retro robbins
_DBUG_22:10 16-October-2003
Slow, and not particularly nice looking.
LOTHLIN10:04 12-April-2003
Slightly different version of Galaxians than normal. In this game, the Galaxians do not swoop down until they have been shot, then you can shoot them again for a bonus. Graphics are ok, they move a bit jerkily. There are very few sound effects. The game plays ok, but, like Xenon 1, you cannot move and fire at the same time.

Rob Cook3222

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