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Jonathan Bristow
TYPE : Tool
PLATFORM :      
SECOND CATEGORY : Utility (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Software in order to manage in an easy way Ula Attributes in hires
Owners on oric.org (original) : HH , HH , star42
SYMOON14:04 02-April-2005
Excellent software, I forgot about it but used it a while ago and was very, very pleased with it. Thanks Twilighte once again...
_DBUG_20:08 28-August-2003
Hum, I agree on the fact it's a powerful software, but "easy to control" is not my opinion. If you can remember 3792 different shortcuts, well, ok
JEDE23:08 16-August-2003
I am totally agree, it's a really good software, it's maybe the best method in draw Oric picture. A 'must' in your development kit.
HH21:08 16-August-2003
This is simply a MASTERPIECE by Twilighte (read Jonathan Bristow). Here you very very easy can change the ULA Attributes in Hires. Every pixel can be switched on or off and colours can be added, though this take 6 pixels to control. However the results can be very effectfull - just look at the screenshots. There are many other features to add - your imagination sets the limit. The controls is very easy to control. Have fun while you make your own pictures.


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