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TYPE : Compiler
SECOND CATEGORY : Utility (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Nothing on inlay_b.
Lots of transfer errors, see below. If you have a working tape please contact me!

Transfers: side 1 had Oric-1 version, side 2 the Atmos one. Both had a fast and slow recording of the program, and a demo in fast mode.
- [lmpluso.tap]: Oric-1 main program, transfered from the slow version, probably error-free.
- [lmdemoo.tap]: Oric-1 demo, transfered with lots of errors, manually corrected. See demo Atmos for comments.
- [lmplusas.tap]: Atmos main program, transfered from the slow version, probably error-free.
- [lmplusaf.tap]: Atmos main program, transfered from the FAST version. Why? Because it has a small loader that the slow version from the same side doesn't have. I have no idea what this loader was for, and even more strange, it seems it has been recorded OVER the main program header, as if it was added later. A mistake? Recorded by someone on this tape later? No idea...
- [lmdemoa.tap]: Atmos demo, transfered with 1 error, corrected. I'm not sure the demo is OK, though, it looks pretty bad (better if you accelerate the CPU speed with Euphoric).
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