PROGRAMMERS AUTHORS : | Adrian Sheppard |
TYPE : | Scramble |
PRICE IN UK: | 8.50 Pounds |
CATEGORY : | Others |
SECOND CATEGORY : | Game (Software House) |
ORIGIN : | |

ORICORAC 13:08 18-August-2023 |
I still can't work out what the "Up" control is. |
ROB COOK 02:08 29-August-2019 |
My 'High quality 'Scamble' clone.' comment from 2005 does NOT do this fantastic game justice. Definitely, in my opinion (which is always correct), Lone Raider on the Oric is/was/always will be the best, most interesting, varying game of Scramble you'll ever play on any system. Take that to the bank. |
OLD-COMPUTERS 22:11 16-November-2010 |
This one sure looks like a good game, but...
what are the controls ?! |
WASKOL 23:02 12-February-2009 |
ROB COOK 00:05 10-May-2005 |
High quality 'Scamble' clone. |
TORPOR 18:09 20-September-2004 |
oh man, this is one of those games i only got for my oric at the very end of its utility to me, in the 'discovered unix systems and movin on..' phase of my teenage life. i played it maybe 3 times before i wistfully tucked the oric and its little tapedeck/printer cubbyhole into the attic at my folks house.. i love scramble though, my number two favourite video game (first is crazyclimber, duh!) of all time, so having it on the oric really struck a chord.
y'know, its like these games 'finally got good' just a little too late. we got sprites. we got colormaps (sorta), we got adventurous programmer types. it wasn't all just "sea harrier", y'know .. *sigh*

 | Rob Cook | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | hakan_k | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | waskol | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | AVERAGE | 3.66 | 3.66 | 4 | 4 |
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