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Marc Andre Rampon
TYPE : Jet Simulator
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : I have split this in 2 versions, since I have 2 tapes where:
- the inlay is different
- the cassettes are different
- the manual is different
- the programs are different !
Both manuals were scanned, the 2nd in GIF to spend less disk space.

V1: probably the earlier verion

Small manual, labelled "Oric-1", that fits in the cassette box.
Inlay has various ads.

4 programs on the tape:
[md_demo.tap]: mission delta demo
works fine despite parity errors (see below)
[md_ecole.tap]: mission delta ecole de pilotage
works fine despite parity errors (see below)
[md_test.tap]: mission delta test
[md_jeu.tap]: mission delta interception

V2: probably the later verion

The manual is bigger and is labelled "Atmos/Oric-1".
There are many other small differences with the manual:
- coloured cover
- table of contents
- few triangular illustrations
- loading instructions are different (normal, according to the programs !)
- explains that one can't see outside when in flight
- There's a memo, a take off and landing help guide
- and other details...

The inlay doesn't have the ads.
The tape is obviously mislabelled: it still describes 4 programs though there are only 2 left, recorded on both sides:
[md_jeu.tap]: both ecole de pilotage and interception (merged)
[md_test.tap]: mission delta test
The demo is not on the tape anymore.


The "ecole de pilotage" is the same program than "interception", but with no enemies.
Other tapes seem to have been mislabelled, I have seen tapes supposed to be "terreur", but that holded Mission Delta !


md_demo.tap: mission delta demo
works fine despite
parity error at offset $4f
parity error at offset $51
parity error at offset $5d
parity error at offset $60
parity error at offset $61
parity error at offset $63
parity error at offset $65
parity error at offset $67
parity error at offset $69
parity error at offset $6b
parity error at offset $6d
parity error at offset $6f
parity error at offset $93c
parity error at offset $93d
parity error at offset $93e
parity error at offset $940
(probably just bytes from synchro header)

md_ecole.tap: mission delta ecole de pilotage
works fine despite
parity error at offset $4e
parity error at offset $4f
parity error at offset $50
parity error at offset $52
(probably just bytes from synchro header)
Owners on oric.org (original) : jede , Maximus , Maximus , freeridk33 , freeridk33 , pooss75 , pooss75 , Allioli , Allioli , val , val , nobby , kerampont , bd72 , alesmukler , samcoupe , mgoreiro , philou , froggy , musepat31 , musepat31 , laurentd75 , Fk , karlmg , KailoKyra , markerror , b04rdr1d3r
FK17:01 18-January-2019
Très déçu...il plantait à chaque fois en rentrant dans la zone delta...
MAXIMUS05:03 05-March-2007
hé no !! You understand nothing because it's not a game ! will you put 1 point to microsoft flight simulator because you don't like simulator and are unable to learn flight basic notions ? pfff it's a soft absolutly unique on ORIC, it must be compared with other simulators of 1983, not with Space-invader ! Simulator Interest & realism: 6/5 !!!!
VAL14:01 21-January-2005
My first flight sim but oh, what a waste of money. It was soooo unintuitive and disappointing to fly with instruments, I hated it all the way, and maybe this is the reason I never got into realistic flight sims later on. At the time I managed to take off as the manual was describing everything step by step, but i never managed to go any further. Such an unrewarding game! Only thing is I remember being so excited after I managed to fly above my home town that I looked out through the window just in case =) Ancestor to: Flight simulator series (and just as damn boring)
MAXIMUS21:04 16-April-2004
Here is an excredible réalistic flight simulator of course there is no 3D view only counters and numbers but first you learn the basic to fly , second to fight and after you go to the mission : EXCELLENT


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