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TYPE : Aventure
RELEASE DATE : November 1984
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : No manual.
No transfer errors.
Nothing on inlay_b.

Presentation program recorded once at fast speed on side A; main program recorded once at fast speed on side B.

Funny: there's a typo right at the beginning of the prestation program ("si vous l'accepter"), that has been corrected on the inlay.

2015: new transfer with a few different bytes, that don't change anything. Kept those transfers anyway in a 2nd version "v2". Only a few differences:
- the small usual loader for Atmos at the beginning of the main program
- the loading names have a difference: they were completed with bytes at value #2E in the other version
Absolutely no other differences (inlay or tape labels)

Thanks to Fouad Selmi for the tape, Sylvain Laurent for the 2nd tape, and Musepat for the initial transfer.

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