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Geoff M Phillips and Paul Kaufman
TYPE : Assembler/Disassembler/Monitor
SECOND CATEGORY : Utility (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Oricmon from Tansoft (1983), by Geoff Phillips and Paul Kaufman.

No transfer errors.
Thanks to Defence-Force website for the manual (original scanned by?).
Nothing on inlay_b.

The box states 1984, but the program states 1983 - maybe this is a second edition ? (Atmos compatible)

There was indeed a first edition, see picture [oricmon_gl2.jpg]. Taken from Ebay, the seller states: "Oric-1 'Oricmon' software written by Tansoft. A complete machine code monitor including block move and a mnemonic Assembler / Dissassembler. Works on both 16K and 48K Orics. Cassette contains 3 copies of the program, recorded once at slow and twice at fast speed.
User manual includes full 6502 instruction set details and Oric-1 memory map."
Owners on oric.org (original) : MadRotorHead , Alay , peter1981 , bookaro , rax , peterb52 , ahres , richg , Tend , musepat31 , philou , Lostsoul , Vyper68 , Bobwest
SYMOON23:11 01-November-2023
I've just uploaded a working version ^_^
IBISUM12:11 01-November-2023
Given that this is probably one of the best-documented Assembler/Disassembler/Monitors for the Oric, it'd be really great if we could find a reliable copy of this tape .. anyone got any clues?
DAZ09:09 24-September-2010
If anyone could upload a .tap file I'd be very grateful. I managed to get the original tape to load twice, but now it won't load at all and the tape sounds terrible! :(

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