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TYPE : Communication
SECOND CATEGORY : Utility (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Manual in Stuff below

Owners on oric.org (original) : nono , Ivme , willchris , Yicker , Juju
YICKER13:01 22-January-2020
I had Oricomms back in the day. I got it along with the Oric Modem from a Micro fair somewhere near Stafford, can't remember the year though. Found it a bit tricky to get connected at first but once that was sorted I was able to connect to various BBS's etc. The only issue I remember was that most of the BBS's were 80 columns so would take up 2 rows on the Oric. Other than that it was a create piece of Software.
GROCERMAN19:12 23-December-2003
I no longer have a copy of this software and would really appreciate it ... if any other browser could send me a copy of either Atcomms or Oricomms.
GROCERMAN18:12 23-December-2003
Although this software is/was distributed by FGC, I am in fact the author of this software (and indeed ATCOMMS too). I wrote this software as a terminal emmulator and for use with Prestel (the WWW of the day). I would be interested to hear from anyone who has used this software.... just to know how useful it is/was to them. The original inspiration for this software came to me after being quoted a hugely inflated estimate, was given to me by a software house (who at the time were going to created the software for me!). After sugestions by a friend -Trevor Shaw- ( and author of the instruction pamhlet for this software, I set about writing my first ever Machine Code program. The software took me quite a few weeks to write -as I had to familiarise myself with the 6522 ACCIA chip- and I would like to know that my efforts were worth while! I also believe that my software was the first ever available for the Oric1 and Atmos!


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