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AWA Software
S. Hughes
TYPE : Assembler / Disassembler / Mon
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : This program was originally released by AWA Software, and shortly after was taken over by MC Lothlorien.

No transfer errors.
Nothing on inlay_b.
The manual was rather small, but it is scanned at 300dpi indeed ;-)

This is probably an updated version for Atmos:
- the inlay is labelled for Oric-1 but there's an orange sticker on the tape box saying "ATMOS"
- when loaded on Atmos, the program says "ORION has been adjusted for your ATMOS"
- inside the box there's a (obsolete?) paper that has been sticked saying:

For Atmos, please make
the following corrections
after loading and before
running ORION.

POKE#89F3, 69
POKE#8A8E, 69
POKE#8A99, 69
POKE#8A9E, 70

(see the General Look pictures)
Owners on oric.org (original) : Syntax_terror , ibisum , alainahres , pritchardc , Samir

TWILIGHTE09:12 17-December-2006
This was my Bread and Butter when debugging software back in the 90's. However i used the disassembler mostly but also the PDUMPO utility which came with it. It allowed one to disassemble to the printer port which allowed me to view asm offline. The most memorable thing about Orion was that because it occupied $8100-$97FF i designed most of my games so that Less important memory always lay in this range. I remember pulling my hair out with Magnetix when i realised asm overwrote this area, meaning i couldn't disassemble the asm and see what had gone wrong :( However all in all a fantastic utility and kind of miss those good old days.


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