PROGRAMMERS AUTHORS : | Various, compiled by Steve Marshall |
TYPE : | Magazine disk |
RELEASE DATE : | December 2002 |
CATEGORY : | Others |
SECOND CATEGORY : | Unsorted/junk |
ORIGIN : | |
NOTES : | Rhetoric was an Oric magazine from UK, between 1999 and 2003.
Released with Rhetoric magazine #24.
Quote from Steve:
The last Rhetoric disk which came with issue 24 and issue that featured an interview with Jonathan Twilighte Bristow.
It was actually a set of questions I sent him via email. I wished I could have recorded a chat on the phone but didn't have any means of recording it.
PULSOIDS : a brand new game from Jonathan Bristow. His version of a Commodore 64 classic Breakout style game with pulses of rays that bounce around and split up. One of the best looking and sounding pieces of software to ever grace the Oric.
GRAND PRIX : Another program from Alistair Way. Have fun bouncing cars around the course.
MANIC MINER : An all-time favourite on the Oric featuring 16 extra screens.
RACER: A bike racing game on the Oric.
GALACTOSMASH - Another one from Alistair Way. A shoot em up. Use Z, X and SPACE to control the ship. Dock in the shops and get engine, guns and a shield. Fire with <,>,/,Right Shift for the gun bays 1-4. Fiddly but fun.
PIERROT : Maybe from Theoric(?) Get the ice blocks together and avoid the bears. Use cursor keys and space. Shift and Funct can be used to crush a block.
TRIATHLON : Another French game featuring three challenging tasks. Archery - use space to set wind speed and then fire at the board. i.e.hold space for a bit then release to fire.
Rowing. Wiggle joystick or press alternate keys to paddle along.
Weight lifting Bash the space bar as fast as you can.
ZAXXON : This is a type-in game similar to Ice Giant.
ZEBULON : Move around collecting puzzle pieces. Move against a flower to continue.
CHUCKFORD : a platform game similar to Chuckie Egg. Instructions are in the game.
SLIDESHOW - From the OricPD lists a show of digital pictures.
ATMOS A PARIS : A translated version of this type in supplied by John Hurley
CRIBBAGE MASTER - A type-in version of this card game from someone called 'The Emmit'
A wonderful addition to the Oric lovers collection, this disk actually shows what the Oric can do in ways we wouldn't have believed possible in 1983 .. Jonathans' wonderfully inspired use of the Orics graphics and sound systems still serve as an inspiration to us all, even so many years later. A testament to what a talented and motivated individual can do, even in the face of hard choices.
Ah - thanks Jede. Didn't realise there was a problem. |
DIDIERV07:07 08-July-2017 |
I have it, 0 points download for me |
DIDIERV07:07 08-July-2017 |
I have it, 0 points download for me |
Download counter is broken since a lot of years. It will be removed in the next version. |
Now track down the other 9 !! |
BINGO! Cheers, Steve. It's either a lack of publicity, knowledge or folk don't realise they need to be a member here before they can utilise the download button/click on the filename to grab these epic titles. EXCELLENT DISK and grateful thanks go to you, the authors, and especially the one and only Jonathan Bristow. RIP. |
Some great stuff on this disk. No one downloaded it yet ??? :( |
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