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Various, compiled by Steve Marshall
TYPE : Magazine disk
RELEASE DATE : March 2001
PLATFORM :      
SECOND CATEGORY : Unsorted/junk
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Rhetoric was an Oric magazine from UK, between 1999 and 2003.
Released with Rhetoric magazine #14

Quote from Steve:

This disk was influenced by events in Rhetoric readers. Twilghte had written a demo and I'd been sent a disk of bits and pieces.
Jim Groom was trying to convert tapes so I included some programs to help with that,
and I'd obtained permission to use League Champions. This all resulted in one of the best disks IMHO.

DEMO - Oric Delight by Twilighte AKA Odelight
DEMO - Alien Abductions. A simple but fun little BASIC program (from Theoric ?)
DEMO - Star Wars. Just a bit of animation really, but shows how you can be inspired by your hobbies or favourite shows to produce something on the Oric
ULTRAMAZE - A new program from Twilighte using Fabrice Frances maze.
DIABOLICAL TOWER - A classic old adventure from No Man's Land
FRELON - A great French game featuring a helicopter
MUSHROOM MANIA - Classic arcade for Atmos. (Originally this was Oric-1 only)
LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - A new version from Colin Bradford
AUTORUN INHIBIT : utility to help copy tapes, transfer files or enter cheats.
SUPERCOPY - Excellent utility to transfer from tape to disk
NIBBLE - Essential disk sector editor. English version.
LORIGRAPH : one of the best drawing programs. Copy to a fresh disk.
UDG GENERATOR - New program by Peter Finan.
LETTER SLIDE : another from Peter
SLIDESHOW : From Twilighte sit back and watch.

Also on the disk are LCAT7 a cassette cataloguing program from Theoric
1.Load program
2.Select speed of tape. Use POKE#24D,0 for FAST or POKE#24D,1 for SLOW programs.
3.RUN the program : headings should appear on top of the screen.
4.Play the catalogue
5.As programs appear they should show on screen and printed to the printer. If you don't want printer output enter POKE#10CD,60 before running the program.
6.When the tape is done you will need to reset the Oric.

and CASSCAT is a similar (untested) program which outputs straight tot he printer. Use QUIT before running either program.
Also three files on disk from the program Destroyer from Your Computer which needs debugging.
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