@TACHA Para jugarlo en un Oric real tienes que tener una unidad de disco Microdisic o el Cumulus.
TACHA03:02 02-February-2015
Hace tiempo lo había visto. ¿habrá forma de jugarlo en mi Oric 1? ¿can i play this in mu Oric1?
GREENSLIDER14:03 04-March-2013
Really well done!
JEDE12:07 08-July-2012
Wonderfull game
HH00:12 26-December-2009
O.K. Sorry!!!
My title is smaller and was supposed to fit the screen of main mission.
HH23:12 25-December-2009
My favorit sci-fi tv-series in the 70th. Space 1999 is now a game for the Oric. This is GREAT!!!
I have long worked to make a game about Space 1999 for the Oric, but this is much much better.
But nice to see, that the Title (Space 1999) I have made, is used in the game.
Now back to playing...
_DBUG_18:08 17-August-2009
You can download the full game from the official website: http://space1999.defence-force.org
NOUNOURS1820022:08 13-August-2009
I do not see how to download it ? is it possible and how to proceed ?
SILICEBIT22:07 30-July-2009
Great!!, finally a isometric adventure for our dear Oric. Excellent graphics and sounds, and many hours of entertainment. Good job!!.
Thanks for this piece of code!!.
STAR4223:07 27-July-2009
aaahhh Si c'etait sortie en 84 ou 85... l'Oric aurait mis une claque a pas mal de monde !!!
Vraiment une prouesse de programmation