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John B. Marshall
TYPE : Arcade SEU
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : English Disk file in Stuff below.

The Ultra from PSS (1983) by J.B. Marshall

No transfer errors (fully tested).

Can be used with a PASE joystick with the program Joystick Adapter 1.
FUN: if you leave the demo running, you'll see that the computer sometimes makes it to level 2 !

Many versions of this program were released.

Oric-1 only / UK version:
The first version was Oric-1 only and had a white sticker saying "Approved Oric Software" (see General Look picture). First side had the fast recording, and side 2 had the slow recording. The tape is black and red, labelled "Oric 16/48K".
Instructions are on the inlay, nothing on inlay_b.
- inlay: [ultra.jpg]
- tape side A: [ultra_tape_a.jpg]
- tape side B: [ultra_tape_b1.jpg]
- program: [ultra_o.tap]

Atmos compatible / UK and FR version:
This second version still had the inlay is labelled "Oric-1", but a yellow sticker on the tape box says "Atmos compatible" (See General Look picture (GL)). The tape is black and red, labelled "Oric 16/48K" on side 1 and "Oric v1.1 & Atmos" on side 2.
Instructions in English are on the inlay, nothing on inlay_b.
- inlay: [ultra.jpg]
- tape side A: [ultra_tape_a.jpg]
- tape side B: [ultra_tape_b2.jpg]
- program on side A: Oric-1 only version [ultra_o.tap]
- program on side B: Oric-1/Atmos version [ultra_a.tap]
This version has an additionnal set of French instructions (very badly translated).
- [ultra_manual_fr_1-4.gif]
- [ultra_manual_fr_2-3.gif]

Atmos/Oric-1 / FR version 1:
French version, released by PSS and "Micro et Logiciels", with the French instructions now included on the inlay - and this time, inlay_b has instructions printed on it.
This version now has the inlay labelled "Oric-1/Atmos" and not only Oric-1. The tape is white, labelled "Oric 16/48K" on side 1 and "Oric v1.1 & Atmos" on side 2.
The program itself was strictly the same (not translated).
- inlay: [ultra_fr1.jpg], [ultra_inlay_b_fr1.jpg]
- tape side A: [ultra_tape_a_fr1.jpg]
- tape side B: [ultra_tape_b_fr1.jpg]
- program on side A: Oric-1 only version [ultra_o.tap]
- program on side B: Oric-1/Atmos version [ultra_a.tap]

Atmos/Oric-1 / UK version: missing? Does it exist?

Atmos/Oric-1 / FR version 2:
French version, released by PSS and "PRISM", with a different French inlay. The instructions have been translated again, in a much better way! French instructions are on the inlay, nothing on inlay_b.
The tape is black and red, labelled "Oric 16/48K" on side 1 and "Oric v1.1 & Atmos" on side 2.
FUN: it seems the side A and B labels were reversed, and that they corrected this mistake by adding the correct labels over the previous ones.
The program itself was strictly the same (not translated).
- inlay: [ultra_fr2.jpg]
- tape side A (with label mistake corrected): [ultra_tape_a_fr2.jpg]
- tape side B (with label mistake corrected): [ultra_tape_b_fr2.jpg]
- program on side A: Oric-1 only version [ultra_o.tap]
- program on side B: Oric-1/Atmos version [ultra_a.tap]
Owners on oric.org (original) : centillion , Yicker , rfout , zippy , sorrindo , BigFatChris , davidpeat , dave3622 , sonic mule , Koshums , reguil , DaveD , ricotti , Oricfucker8 , thepeachbeetle , oricas , daoloth , ctollsuk , pos no , TheGoofster , blonder , devilhunter , _xXx_ , didierv , klaus.g , nodoid , musepat31 , baz67 , HH , Xavier28 , jbx99 , tornadou , ozymandias , jorodr , philou , dan123mdk , Badger , Fk , oriccentillion , OricEric , oricmhb , ambardil , bit , Mustangus , herrap , JihemB , kev , Jreb61 , arkright , CSerpent , Smarty , rjoaquim , Pugo

LAURENTD7501:03 04-March-2019
(kidding of course, and sorry for the double post)
LAURENTD7501:03 04-March-2019
Just read the 1st comment bu Lothlin dating back from 2003: "Your ship strongly resembles the Liberator from Blakes 7"... LOL, this is actually true, we now know where Chema got his inspiration for his game !
LAURENTD7501:03 04-March-2019
Just read the 1st comment bu Lothlin dating back from 2003: "Your ship strongly resembles the Liberator from Blakes 7"... LOL, this is actually true, we now kno where Chema got his inspiration for his game !
LAURENTD7501:03 04-March-2019
I hadn't played this game in agers, so it was like discovering it all again... The choice of keys really is really crooked and stupid (1 and 2 to move left/right, / to fire), which is a shame as the game is really a nice mix between Space Invaders and Galaxian. The requirement to pay attention to the cannon "overheating" problem adds a nice twist to what would be a very easy shooting game otherwise... Animations and graphics are fairly nice, and so are the sound effects. However, "The Hellion" remains a far better game in this league.
BAZ6718:12 27-December-2014
ULTRA cool - definitely a TOP5 must have for every Oric Owner. The 2nd game I ever CLOADED, after Road Frog! Preferred The Ultra by a country mile - GET IT ON but keep yer laser cool!
SYMOON10:11 03-November-2013
@greenslider: the problem is probably with the emulator you are using. The transfered program has been checked error-free from original tapes, and works fine with Euphoric (and real Orics).
DAVE362218:10 30-October-2013
Here's a Youtube video of me completing the game. I used to be able to do this without cheating but after several frustrating attempts I decided to use an infinite lives poke for the sake of my sanity ..... http://youtu.be/pkctvQtiN_Y
GREENSLIDER14:03 04-March-2013
...fire button is inactive
DAVE362219:09 17-September-2008
One of my favourite Oric games ever! This was the second game I had bought for me as a child (Xenon 1 being the first) and I played it constantly. It is also one of the few Oric games that I regularly play now (and am still able to complete!). The gameplay, sound and graphics are basic but there's just something about it that makes you have one more go. I love it
ZIPPY23:03 11-March-2006
One of the classic Oric games - along with Mr. Wimpy !
MAXIMUS22:02 20-February-2006
hours playing this game a must
SYMOON01:10 18-October-2003
Very good shoot them up, really addictive. The ennemies are different from one sreen to another (16 screens), so are strategies to kill them. Simple and efficient, if you like it try The Hellion, which is far superior technically and more funny IMO.
_DBUG_16:09 07-September-2003
The fact that alien waves follow totaly different patterns each time is really interesting. The overheating of machineguns is also a good idea, specificaly considering that you start the next wave in the state you finish the previous one
CMPI20:06 18-June-2003
Great Shoot 'em up but I prefer Defence Force which I think is certainly the best. But the ultra is the 2nd anyway ..;
OLIVIER17:04 04-April-2003
Very addictive game!! I played it for hours & days. A very good (the best?) shoot'em up on the Oric.
LOTHLIN16:03 01-March-2003
A really good traditional shoot-em-up and one of the best Oric games. There are 16 waves of aliens to defeat, all with their own animated graphics and attack patterns. Some waves are easier than others. Your ship strongly resembles the Liberator from Blakes 7. The graphics are very good for an Oric game of the time. They are a bit jerky, but not so bad that it interferes with your game. Sound is appropriate and effective, but no tunes. Response to the controls is very good - essential in a fast action game such as this. The desire to see what the next wave of aliens looks like keeps you coming back for more. This game is a real delight to play.

Rob Cook5354

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