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Rémy Gosselin and Matthias Wystrach
TYPE : Dungeons and Dragons roleplay
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : inlay and manual drawings by Dominique Falue.

Transfer errors unknown.
Nothing on inlay_b.

2 versions of the tapes: one with a black label, another one with a green one (see tapes a1, a2, b1, b2).
The programs on both tapes were strictly the same.

(English translation below)
Voici un article paru dans Théoric 3, page 12. Je ne sais pas trop s'ils parlent des 1000 premiers exemplaires du jeu. Je ne sais pas de quelle version je dispose, et je n'ai pas testé ce programme... Notez que le program correctif était erroné (!!!) et corrigé dans le numéro suivant (Théoric 4, page 58), j'ai donc tapé ici le programme corrigé, mais de curieux DATA restent (du genre ",,").


Un bug dans la face "B" rend la sauvegarde du scénario impossible; et cela sur les mille premiers enregistrements... Le petit programme qui suit permet de pallier à ce défaut...
Il suffit de le charger avant la face "B" de Tyrann (en auto). Une fois le jeu lancé, faites immédiatement une sauvegarde scénario. A partir de ce moment tout rentre dans l'ordre !

5 A=#B800
35 A=A+1
40 UNTIL I=96
50 DOKE#2F5,#B800
60 DATA8,72,152,72,138,72,165,234,133,1
70 DATA165,233,56,233,1,176,2,198,1,133,,160
80 DATA21,169,183,145,,136,169,58,145,
90 DATA136,16,251,104,170,104,168,104,40,96

English translation:
Taken from Théoric (issue 3, page 12). They're talking about the firt 1000 releases of the game. No idea which version I have and haven't tested this... Note that the fix program was wrong (!!!) and corrected in the following issue (Théoric issue 4, page 58), I corrected it here but strange DATA (such as ",,") remain.

A bug on the "B" side makes the scenario save impossible, and this for the first 1000 recordings... This small program will correct the problem...
You just have to load it before loading the B side of Tyrann (in auto mode). Once the game started, save immediatly the scenario. Then everything should be fine !
(see program above)

An English version is also available, see "see also" link
SEE ALSO : Tyrann (UK version)
Fer D'Amnukor, Le
Owners on oric.org (original) : jede , Lothlin , Lothlin , Maximus , Maximus , HH , HH , waskol , waskol , anby56 , 6502man , Snoopy , jlfl , SleepingOwl , Greg0075 , chabagouni , atmosaurus , RungeKutta , rikjack , PatTheFrog , dni , lololanderno , RodHull , soft-bug , Tuxosaurus , bodkinz , Zlatan , musepat31 , laurentd75 , philou , Orinoco , oriccentillion , JihemB

JEROME01:03 25-March-2012
The Oric was always a *massive* disappointment when it came to games. However this was the best one I played on it. The graphics were dire but that's testament to how good the rest of it was. Looking back it was the first game I saw with turn-based combat, levelling up, character casts, managing an inventory. This must have been one of the first pre-cursors to the likes of Fallout 3, WoW, Final Fantasy. I always felt the Oric should have had better software but there just wasn't the user base in the UK. Christ knows I couldn't program the little b#stard beyond a sprite going from one side of the screen to the other. Stuff I remember about the game - "Ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping. ###### fell through a trap door" - "Sceptre of Justice Sceptre of Peace...." - near the end. Drove me nuts for a while. In fact I seem to remember colours running up and down the otherwise white wireframe maze walls at this point - "... was jostled by a witch" - something about mixing objects in a pot and making stuff - that was side B wasn't it? - it made me look up mygale, menhir and god knows what else in the dictionary
JEROME01:03 25-March-2012
The Oric was always a *massive* disappointment when it came to games. However this was the best one I played on it. The graphics were dire but that's testament to how good the rest of it was. Looking back it was the first game I saw with turn-based combat, levelling up, character casts, managing an inventory. This must have been one of the first pre-cursors to the likes of Fallout 3, WoW, Final Fantasy. I always felt the Oric should have had better software but there just wasn't the user base in the UK. Christ knows I couldn't program the little b#stard beyond a sprite going from one side of the screen to the other. Stuff I remember about the game - "Ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping. ###### fell through a trap door" - "Sceptre of Justice Sceptre of Peace...." - near the end. Drove me nuts for a while. In fact I seem to remember colours running up and down the otherwise white wireframe maze walls at this point - "... was jostled by a witch" - something about mixing objects in a pot and making stuff - that was side B wasn't it? - it made me look up mygale, menhir and god knows what else in the dictionary
SYNTAXERROR18:01 07-January-2011
Such an incredible adventure ! Hours and hours of pleasure
WASKOL20:05 22-May-2009
OK, a few words to tell you that, on www.oricgames.com, we have it tap format, side B debugged. And we just released an english version of this fabulous game.
MAXIMUS00:04 21-April-2004
I Repeat in english: that's again an excellent french game for Oric a typical RPG , a team of 6 warriors against several monsters in several mazes , and a queen to save (Tyrann) look at the topic in the forum area of www.emultoo.com (in french) to get infos to play it because there's difficulties to load the last level (side TO DISCOVER ABSOLUTELY !!!!!!
MAXIMUS01:02 20-February-2004
Ce jeu Français est un jeu de role Passionant, qui mériterait une adaptation pour XP , rien de plus surprenant de voir mes fils de 13 et 8 ans lacher leur XBOX ou Playstation pour venir se régaler pendant des heures avec leur père: UN MUST Intergénération !!!!! je suis sûr qu'il marcherait à nouveau chez les jeunes
ROB COOK20:10 30-October-2003
Excellent, brilliant, fantastic. Quite simply, this was an outstanding RPG for its time. Kept me addicted for weeks. Only real letdown was the 'not real' map once you'd reached side 2 of the tape, making it impossible to map realistically.
SYMOON21:10 27-October-2003
A very good role playing game, though a little bit slow (in Basic !). I'm playing to it these days, and although it seems there are a few mistakes in the maps, it's really addictive. If you like it don't forget to try its excellent sequel, Le Fer d'Amnukor.
_DBUG_14:08 19-August-2003
Quite a good role playing game. The graphics could have been better, but the dungeons are massive, there are a lot of spells and monsters, and the fighting engine is very nice
LOTHLIN11:09 29-September-2002
At the time (1984) I thought this was an excellent role-playing/Dungeon Master type game. I played it for hours, days, weeks! You had to take a party of 6 characters (who could be a mix of warriors, thieves, magicians or druids) into a multi-level dungeon. There you could fight monsters, find treasure and go up experience levels, which made your characters stronger and gave them more spells. An excellent game (for the time) with lots of atmosphere, but weak graphics.

Rob Cook2154

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