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Rémy Gosselin and Matthias Wystrach
TYPE : Dungeons and Dragons roleplay
SECOND CATEGORY : Game (Software House)
ORIGIN : err 
NOTES : Inlay and manual drawings by Dominique Falue.

This is the UK version distributed by No Man's Land.
Translated into English by ???
Thanks to Jonathan Haworth, Steve Marshall and David Craddock for tape scans, pictures and WAV files.

No transfer errors detected.
Nothing on inlay_b.

Program recorded once at fast speed.
Protected by the 1st Norsoft specific loading routines protection.

Kept as WAV file: [tyrannUK-A_4k8_wav.zip] (holding side A and B)
WAV files have been processed using WAVCLEAN, and have been checked without errors.

Because of special loading routines, TAP files must be hacked to work. See Dominique Pessan's articles about Norsoft's 1st loading format (published in CEO-Mag 261 (January 2012), 266 (June 2012), 267 (July 2012), 269 (September 2012) )
In short, on each side of the tape:
- the two first programs use standard loading routines
- the 3rd program is loaded by a specific loading routine: the bytes order is different and their memory location is set every 7 bytes
- the last three programs are loaded by another specific loading routine: the bits order is reversed on tape, and some bytes are moved at specific memory locations

Read carefully before download:
The game is in two parts, side A holds the characters creation and the first 9 levels, side B holds the 10th level.

Since devices or emulators use different startegies load TAP files from the storage medium, the specific code from these loading routines has to be modified to ensure the TAP will load. These modifications are different for ROM 1.0 or ROM 1.1, while the original specific loading routine works on both ROMs.

So different TAP versions were made, either to keep the maximum of the original code, either to have a maximum compatibility with emulators:

- a BIT-level version with only 6 bytes of code changed on each side, but that requires separate TAP files for ROM 1.0 and ROM 1.1, and that will likely only run on Euphoric (v1.014 and further), and on LOCI device (as for 2024, still under development). It won't work on other emulators or devices that can't load the TAP file at bit level.
Files: [tyrannUK-A-bit-coded-atmos.tap], [tyrannUK-B-bit-coded-atmos.tap], [tyrannUK-A-bit-coded-oric1.tap], [tyrannUK-B-bit-coded-oric1.tap]

- a BYTE-level version with 24 bytes of code changed and about 41KB of data decoded on each side, for any ROM, and that should work on any emulator or device like Erebus (not tested) or Orix (tested).
Files: [tyrannUK-A-byte-decoded-anyROM.tap], [tyrannUK-B-byte-decoded-anyROM.tap]

- a "stripped" version without any special loading routines anymore. There, the look of the game while loading is different, lots of data is changed or removed, but that should work with any ROM, and any emulator or device like Erebus or Orix, and even with TAP2WAV.
Files: [tyrannUK-A-stripped.tap], [tyrannUK-B-stripped.tap]

- finally, WAV files at 4800Hz for use with emulators are also there in a ZIP file. They are 100% similar to the original data.

More information about how the TAP files were done and modified, are in the tyrannUK_info.txt file, in the stuff section below (log in to see)
SEE ALSO : Tyrann
Fer D'Amnukor, Le

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