Nº189 (1/2006)

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Et Shoot Again : Krillys !


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Oric Disk Manager Update

Compiled from by andré Chéramy

From Simon Guyart (8 August 2005): Hi! 7 years after, I spent a moment on Oric Disk Manager (ODM). ODM is a Windows tool, to help you managing Sedoric v3.0 DSK files. Now you can:

- Extract files from a disk with a TAP header

- View the files information by double-clicking on them in the list

Where to download it?


I forgot to say you might need some DLL or OCX files to run it... Just let me know if you need them, I forgot which ones were required.

From Jonathan Bristow (Twilighte):

Hi, this looks cool Symoon, the missing DLL on my system was vb40032.dll which I got from . After running this, ODM started. Not looked into the new features yet, but will report back when I do.

Again from Twilighte: Wow this is an amazing piece of software Symoon, and could easily offer so much potential ;) I know you have probably got a whole stack of ideas of how to expand it, but here are my own...

1) When you double-click on a file whose range is A000-BF3F or uses the extension HRS, HIR or SCN, the file would be displayed as an image like you do in PCHIRES. An extension of this might display character sets or Text screens.

2) When you dump info to a text file, the complete file could be dumped .byt style as well.

3) The facility to drag/drop tap files into the disc directory from explorer.

And really advanced features...

4) The facility to disassemble machine code files in the directory to .s or .h files on the pc

5) The facility to perform a disk file transfer from two or more disks

Anyway, as the utility stands today, it is really cool, and nice to see all the necessary info is shown when double-clicking on a file. Well done

Answer from Simon: Thanks for taking some time to try ODM! And thanks for the comments ;-) The next main goal would be the possibility to ADD files to the DSK. But this is another huge challenge - maybe in 6 years? ;-)

[1] Problem: PCHires only displays monochrom pictures (much easier). If you just need to have an overview of the picture, having coloured ones displayed as monochrom could suffice...

[2] What's this .byt style?

[3] Aha, double problem:

- I have never found how drag and drop from another application was supposed to work with VB4 (if it ever exists).

- I guess you mean *adding* file to the DSK, which is more complicated than just reading and extracting them (see the beginning of this post). But that will probably be the next thing to do.

[4] Wow hehe hohoho, maybe in another life ;-) Note that, under Windows, you have the useful little tool called «sadasm.exe». Extract a file without header. Insert at its beginning 2 bytes indicating the start address of the program. Open it with Sadasm: the code is displayed with ASM instructions. I could do a special extraction format for the extracted file, for Sadasm.

[5] Mmmmh, if I understand correctly the idea, I suspect this would be much, much work. For the moment, keep COPY «*.*» to «B-*.*» ;-)

Again from Twilighte: [maybe in 6 years?] Not acceptable, in 6 weeks please. ;)

[1] Hmm, I would prefer colour. I think Jede or Dbug did something like this. Ought to ask them.

[2] Basically, having the option to dump the contents of a file to .h or .s text file, so if a file contained 16 bytes of data (excluding header), it would appear in a filename.s or filename.h as...

.byt 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3

Values are example only.

This would be very useful for transferring Oric generated files into PC files for compiling with machine code. I had this issue with screens and tables I'd done in Euphoric for Pulsoid.

The workaround I did was to load the file in Euphoric, CSAVE it, then run Dbugs HEADER utility to remove the tap header, then run another Dbug utility to convert the binary file to a text file.

[3] Yes, I can see that that could be a pain to get working, especially since your dealing with two areas, populating disc with file and updating disc directory.

[4] Not sure if this is what you are meaning, but link into Sadasm in ODM (Call dos routine) when selected file in directory.

[5] Yeah, the latter two are just extreme ideas, of which i have many more :]

Much respect. Twi

From JD: [I would prefer colour. I think Jede or Dbug did something like this. Ought to ask them.] Yes, done, but I did it in JAVA (So you don't need any DLL)

From Andre Majorel: [1] If your app is GPL'd, you can reuse code from Orictoppm or Xeuphoric. Xeuphoric has been more thoroughly debugged but Orictoppm might be easier to integrate. If you're interested, I'll be happy to help you.

From Simon: [If your app is GPL'd] Ah, that's something I have never bothered about. I don't even have an idea of I can make a GPL app when using M$ language and DLLs. [Orictoppm] Hey that's nice. Not being a Linux user, I forgot about this program. Anyway, even if Twilight's idea is a good one, it's really not a priority to me. Especially if tools to view the extracted files already exist ;-) Has anyone tried to compile Oric2PPM for another OS? (would it work?)

From Twilighte: I was actually viewing ODM as the roots of something really big. Sorry if this was not the intention, but providing us with a means to access Oric Disc directories is a great basis for many operations. Many small utilities are cool, but a central one with everything hanging off it (all the bells and whistles) is better imho.

From Andre Majorel: Some would make the opposite statement!

From Simon: [I was actually viewing ODM as the roots of something really big. Sorry if this was not the intention.] Well I like the idea, but as you say I'd like to do the roots correctly before going any further. I think adding files to a .DSK is important. Well, Fabrice's TAP2DSK already does it actually... But this feature IMO is needed in ODM («disk manager» ;-) before anything else. Anyway, to be honest, I haven't coded anything since the release - and have no idea when I get time to code on it again. BTW I found a strange bug - ODM doesn't want to open DSK files when they're on my Windows' desk. This is a problem with the path - no idea why. If it happens to you, just store your DSK files someplace else for now...


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